This is me in the dress that I made. From scratch. Without a pattern. I am very clever.
With me is my eventual father-in-law, Tony. He looks a lot like my fiance. Except older :p We are in Fiji (hence the tan) at my eventual brother-in-law's wedding.
This is Lyeael'k - and no, I didn't name him! He isn't done yet - he needs better shading, his hair to be drawn in over the current base coat, stubble, and probably a few other things - oh yeah, like clothes! But so far I'm pretty proud of him.
This is everyone's favourite ugly Iferhem, pretty much as he looks now, staring down at Darien. I wanted to make his neck a little thinner, but as noone was ever going to see it, I decided not to bother. Heh.