* CutiePie is tempted to record a speaking clip
Aatwork> do eet!
CutiePie> What would I say?
Aatwork> Read a poem?
CutiePie> ew no
CutiePie> I hates poetry
Aatwork> Then read a favourite passage from a book? :p
CutiePie> I could
CutiePie> OR
CutiePie> I could read from the bbc
CutiePie> or nz herald
CutiePie> Okay, let's see if that worked
CutiePie> And
CutiePie> If I can then figure out how to get it up on to the intarwubs
sk8rgrl> i'm off to sleep
sk8rgrl> we'll have a thing
sk8rgrl> where we all record ourselves
sk8rgrl> reading some ridiculous star wars quote
sk8rgrl> and put it up on the chimaera website
sk8rgrl> >:
CutiePie> Okay
CutiePie> Aa can stay 'wake with me and tell me how to get this up on teh intarwubs