Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rhymes with TT

Today I found out for certain something I had thought but wasn't sure of: there are no tickets to the Isle of Man TT. You go there, stand on the side of the road, and watch it. How cool is that?!

You can buy tickets to sit in the grandstand in Douglas if you want, but you can't book those - you just buy them on the day. Given I'll be staying so close to the grandstand (5 mins walk, I think she said) I will have a good chance to get there early enough to buy tickets, should I so desire. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

What no corporate boxes?!?!?!

Grunok said...

Sure there are; what do you call that big glass thing up the top?


A commentary box, you say? Well, I'm fairly sure I could still talk my way in to it. ^.^