Sunday, July 01, 2007

Can I just say...

I am thouroughly sick of men trying to pick me up while I am watching the MotoGP on TV (the motorbike races, for all those who don't know).

I go out of my way to find somewhere to watch this, and without fail, some dude comes up to me and starts talking to me! Sure, "who do you think will win?" is acceptable, as is "who's your favourite rider", etc etc, but I'm trying to watch my sport, people! Asking things like "so how long are you in Edinburgh for?", and "Yamaha, is that the green one?"... Seriously! If you don't know and are just trying to crack on to me, wait until the race is finished. At least then I can dignify your sleazy midday lines with a multi-syllabic response.

I am a girl, honest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've lost your email in my transition to Wellington. That's right, I've moved and rather suddenly, with no time to announce the impending change. Can you email me?
So much to discuss, and sorry to hear about the 'burgh not sounding so exciting!
Love nash