Drasil has just opened a happy birthday thread for our orc-on-a-mission at the Santharian Forum, so I hope you receive those birthday wishes whereever you are right now!
I've been following your blog and hope you're doing fine, although we haven't heard from you for a week or so:) At any rate it's been fun reading through your experiences, hope lots more of interesting lands lie still ahead to discover! :)
Big Happy Birthday. I'm really enjoying reading of your travels: it's nearly as good as being there, and I can't wait for the memoirs. Keep up the good work, and have heaps of fun!
Happy birthday, Grun! =)
Drasil has just opened a happy birthday thread for our orc-on-a-mission at the Santharian Forum, so I hope you receive those birthday wishes whereever you are right now!
I've been following your blog and hope you're doing fine, although we haven't heard from you for a week or so:) At any rate it's been fun reading through your experiences, hope lots more of interesting lands lie still ahead to discover! :)
Happy Birthday as well and keep up the writing, Grunok! T.
Big Happy Birthday. I'm really enjoying reading of your travels: it's nearly as good as being there, and I can't wait for the memoirs. Keep up the good work, and have heaps of fun!
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